Once in a Lifetime...

Join Anna Bariyani and Curawaka for an exclusive 7 day retreat in the far North, nestled in a gorgeous location in the majestic mountains of the Alta in Finmark - the sacred lands of the Sami people - under the enchanting Northern Lights.

We will immerse in the magic of the Arctic Winter, diving deep into opening the work of weaving the very fabric of

our existence, by opening our channels, our dreams and our intuition.

Human beings are creators in essence. What do we want to create in this lifetime? What is my vision? What is my prayer?
What is my purpose? And how can I work with Spirit to weave my story in a sacred way?

This is a journey to the wild North, to the land of ice and dreamtime, but it is also a journey deep within your own layers of

reality and into the mysteries of your own soul. Each participant will go through a profound journey, where his or her own life purpose is called forward. Each participant will be guided to make their own drum, a shamanic tool and sacred helper and ally on our spiritual path. Once your instrument is crafted and birthed, you will dive deep into the practice of

weaving, song divination, guardianship of sacred songs and authentic expression of your own spirit. As your channel

opens, your voice and drum will be your own divine instruments for communicating with the Sky, with the Earth,

with the Water and with the Fire.

At the end of the week, we will share an initiation ceremony under the Arctic nightsky where you will be initiated

as a sacred drum carrier. As such, you will make your own commitment to yourself,

whispering your prayers to the Aurora Boreal and offering your service to the Great Mystery of Life.

Sacred Weaving of Sound and Spirit

Anna Bariyani, singer, songwriter and founder of Curawaka, is native to Norway, home to the spectacular celestial phenomenon of Aurora Borealis. Anna has a deep connection to the Northern lights and has for years worked with and studied its ancestral and mystical dimensions, which is intimately connected with her music and spirit work. For her, the Aurora Borealis is the dream of the Sun, the spirit that brings fertility to our dreamtime and gives the creative force to

bring down and manifest our prayers and visions. The Aurora Spirit is a medicine in its own right. It is a portal which activates and deeply nourishes our own channel as sacred beings, strengthening our vessels to be in further service to

Mother Earth and the sacred design of Life.

Anna uses voice and drum to call and dialogue with the Aurora spirit and other spirits of the land in a practice she refers to as weaving. This is the second time she will venture to the cradle of the Arctic to offer an immersive workshop with both drum and voice, where the land is wild, the spirit is strong and the veil to the invisible realm is thin.

Drum Making

Curawaka guitarist Alberto Arroyo is a master drum maker and a highly skilled artesan.

Originally from Mexico, Alberto has fallen in love with the Norse shamanic hand drums and has developed his own

unique style of making beautiful, top class hand drums as professional instruments and spiritual tools.

He will guide us through the deep and transformative journey of making your own drum. 

To make your own drum is an initiation in the spiritual path. With your hands and prayers you craft a powerful object which will be an ally for life. The frequency and the spirit of your drum will always guide you on your path and lead you in a good direction. It will always protect you, teach you and remind you of who you are, your strength and your purpose.

Alberto works with Norwegian reindeer hides to make the drums and willow wood for the frame. You will choose your own hide and make your own markings with chaga ink. You can choose if you wish to make a small, medium or large sized drum.

Your drum, along with your voice, will be your main tool and instrument for the Aurora Spirit Retreat. 

Channeling, Authentic Expression and Song Guardianship

The art of channeling is a study of what it really means to be or have a channel, why we have it, what to use it for and how to cultivate its growth and blossoming. Your channel is your own direct line to Divine Source and a reservoir of inspiration which, when functioning well, can funnel any waves of energy and emotion moving through your being and translate it into art and expression of any form. This is ultimately a study of how to be yourself - the connected, spirited, activated you. The one you were always meant to be.

Anna, Alberto, Tavo and Dario from Curawaka will be leading several sessions throughout the week, using their instruments, musicality and spontaneity to facilitate a creative and playful space of self-exploration and expression. The aim is that each participant opens or expands their own channels, gains deeper understanding of how to harness that magical vortex and secures their own confidence in their spirit´s authentic expression. We believe that the fundamental state of nature is a

sort of divine play, and that in order to be an instrument of divination and channeling, one must somehow get the hang

of this "divine play". This requires a certain form of presence, vulnerability and playfulness, opening up for

transcendence, authenticity and illumination. 

The workshops will also touch upon the art of songwriting - how to catch those enchanted melodies and rhymes. It will also entail the codex of song guardianship - what is required to use one´s creativity to channel songs, and how to take care of traditional, sacred songs. 

Ocean Adventures and Sami Culture

We will spend a whole week in the remote Arctic, which is also the home to the indigenous population of the Sami people. The Samis are traditionally reindeer herders and keep a tight and intimately woven relationship to the natural world. We will be joined by local Sami elder and wise woman Lone Beate Ebeltoft who will accompany us throughout the week, in both level 1 & 2. 

Lone is an excellent story teller and will give us context of the Sami history and culture by sharing stories, songs and other gifts from her tradition. She is a guardian of the Sami shamanic drum "runebomme" and will be sharing some of its secrets and lore.

One of the highlights of the week will be to make an excursion on the fjord by boat. We will head out on the fjort on a nighly sail to experience the Aurora Boreal from the deck of the ship, surrounded by the enchanted, reflecting waves.

We will bring our drums and sing to the spirits of the North: the ocean and mountains, the eagles and the whales,

the stars, the ice and the Northern lights.

Aurora Spirit Retreat
Level II for Drum Carriers

We are so happy to be able to offer a next level course for those that already carry a drum and wish dive deeper into the sacred commitment of being a drum-carrier. Anna will teach more profoundly on weaving with drum, how to heal, pray and do spirit work with the voice and drum. There will be two elders from Inuit and Sami traditions that will each share stories and secrets on how their respective traditions use the drum in spirit work. 

Hivshu is an Inuit elder from Greenland, a drum-carrier, story-teller, song-carrier, polar bear hunter, and an author. His incredible songs, charming persona and deep wisdom will be a strong presence in Level 2. Hivshu will join us on the last night of Week 2 (level 1) and for the whole week of Level 2.

Level 2 will also have the wonderful singer Peia as a guest teacher of vocal technique. Peia is a song-carrier with deep ancestral ties to Ireland and will also share enchanting songs and stories from the Celtic tradition.

Level 2 offers two very special excursions in its program: a trip to see the prehistoric rock art in Alta where the 7000 year old carvings show people with drums. We make offerings to our drumming ancestors and bring them in to our work.

We also make a day trip by boat on the fjord to meet the whales as they return from their migration. We sing and drum to greet and cherish them.In this way, Level 2 will deepen your connection with your drum and show you how to work with the medicine of the North, how to anchor your connection with the spirits here, and how you may continue your path as a drum-carrier with the force of the North in your own medicine bag. The Arctic elders will oversee your process as Anna guides you through each step.

Peia and the Curawaka musicians will support sessions of weaving our spirit work into a more wholesome musical tapestry.

The same facilities will be holding our container for the whole week of Level 2: Amazing world class food, saunas, fires, and of course, the star of the show: Aurora Boreal.Level 2 has no prerequisite, but you will have to bring your own drum to participate. Alternatively, you can join us at level 1 and then join level 2, back to back. 

Residence at Alten Lodge, Finmark:

The Aurora Spirit Retreat will take place at Alten Lodge situated in Finmark about 15 min drive from the city of Alta, in the far North of Norway. The lodge is situated in a private, gorgeous location in the Arctic wilderness, in the mountain range around Alta, a few miles off the coast of the North Sea. Here we are surrounded by wildlife and can spot eagles, whales, reindeers, seals and a great number of birds. There is a great lavvo at the lodge, which is a traditional Sami tent similar to

a Native American tipi. The lavvo will be our container for many of the workshops and circles. Sitting on warm

reindeer hides around the fire connects us to the sacred ways of life of our ancestors, providing us with a portal

to connect with the elements and with Spirit. 

There will be workshops and activities every day but also time to wind down and enjoy the scenery. The Lodge will be occupied exclusively by our group and we have unlimited access to the sauna and outdoor jacuzzi. There is morning yoga available on several days, and there is prime scenery right outside the door ideal for hiking and exploring. 

The rooms have private bathrooms and are shared between two people. There are a few single rooms available for an

additional cost. Our world class chefs will provide us with 3 fabulous meals per day in the dining hall.  For weeks one and two, Adriana Cavita, founder of the Michelin rewarded Mexican restaurant Cavita in London, will lavish us with her elegant and incredibly tasting creations. Our chefs will combine their culinary artistry with local produce and traditions. 

7 - Days Aurora Spirit Retreat
with Anna Bariyani & Curawaka

Alta, Northern Norway

Closest Airport: Alta Airport, Norway (ALF)

Group 1: 7 - 13 October

Group 2: 14 - 20 October

Group 3: 21 - 27 October (Level II for Drum Carriers)


  • 7 Days Retreat Program, all activities and workshops included
  • Make Your Own Drum workshop guided by Alberto Arroyo from Curawaka
  • Sacred Weaving with Voice & Drum workshops with Anna Bariyani
  • Song circle and a very intimate Curawaka concert
  • Fire Initiation Ceremony
  • Fjord trip by boat
  • Accommodation in high standard en-suite rooms (2 people per room)
  • 3 meals a day cooked by gourmet chef
  • Unlimited use of sauna and outdoor jacuzzi
  • Morning Yoga with instructor
  • Roundtrip private transport between Alta Airport (ALF) or Alta City Center and the retreat location.
  • Rent of your own warm suit and boots for Arctic climate

PRICE: EUR 3000,- all included*

(*does not include flights and travel insurance)

Do you feel the calling?

Yes! I want to make a reservation!

Pay the booking fee and secure your spot.

Yes! I am interested, but I have questions...

Write to us and let us know you are feeling it.


Experiences from 2023:

"Creating a drum is a really meditative, sometimes challenging and absolutely enriching experience. My drum feels like a real being, my friend, an opener of portals. Curawaka are the most beautiful people with wonderful souls, incredible skills and deep kindness. The private concert was a blast! As a group we had a real family experience (thanks to the kids as well!) with six days of magnificent Aurora lights in a row(!), breathtaking landscapes, magical encounters with dolphins, eagles and the Great Beyond. Getting to know the Sami tradition better with the amazing Lone let me reconnect with my ancestors and reminded me of my roots. Thank you so much for one of the greatest weeks of my life that was a starting point of a high pace journey afterwards."

"What a powerful portal and deep reactivation this retreat was for me. A couple of days to feel the power from the North, remember about our European indigenous ancestors roots and connect with our voices with mysterious Aurora. For me it is for sure a life transforming experience that propels me to manifest bigger dreams. I met there a part of my higher self that now teaches me to live the magical journey of life with more faith and joy. Gratitude for this time with this beautiful tribe: Guardians of Mother Earth 🙏I am still dancing and singing with Aurora somewhere in the north 🤍

All the love "

This retreat really left a mark on my soul in so many ways. We did a lot weaving together as a family, with nature and our drums. The drum making was a beautiful process and it was very special to then do all the initiation ceremonies with the drum both while and once it was being birthed. And I feel so connected to it and it is a precious medicine tool for me. And it really embodies the spirit of the north.
For me Anna, Alberto and Tavo held the group so well and it was like spending time with family. We had a great time with music, weaving together, singing, aurora hunting and so much more. It was really rich and special. Their genorosity of their time and energy and inviting us to be a part of all this with their friends and family was very precious and humbling. And for me it was beautiful and inspiring to spend time with people that really embodies their gifts and are so grounded at the same time. It inspires me to do the same. This really was once in a lifetime experience, the people, the food the land. Wow.

So much gratitude to all of you".


  • You may of course contact us with your inquiry, but please note that your place in the retreat is only secured upon payment of deposit.
  • In order to secure your place in retreat, we ask for a non-refundable deposit of 25 % of the total price to be paid upon booking.
  • The remaining balance must be to be paid before 01-08-2024.
  • Accepted payments are Bank Transfer, Credit Cards and PayPal. 
  • Please note deposits and final payments are non-refundable.
  • We remain the right to cancel your participation if it conflicts with legal or ethical matters.
  • We are not able to offer refunds or discounts for arriving late, leaving early, family matters, illness or unexpected weather conditions.
    Please make sure you have a valid travel insurance to protect you from unfortunate circumstances. 
  • The price is listed in EURO, we ask that all transfers are made in EURO.
  • In case the retreat is cancelled from our side, all participants will receive a full refund.
  • Cancellations must be sent in writing to 
  • Accommodation is shared between 2 people per room. All rooms have a private bathroom and can offer either double bed or twin beds.
    Please indicate so in case you are traveling with a friend or partner/spouse so we can arrange your accommodation together. 
  • A few single rooms are available for an additional cost. Contact us for information about upgraded accommodation.
  • A professional chef will handle all meals. Please notify us in advance in case you have allergies or dietary restrictions.
  • Aurora Borealis is a natural phenomenon. Even though we are in the best possible conditions to see it, there is always the small chance that it will not appear. We cannot offer any refunds even in the case of not seeing the Aurora Borealis. ​​​


  • You may of course contact us with your inquiry, but please note that your place in the retreat is only secured upon payment of deposit.
  • In order to secure your place in retreat, we ask for a non-refundable deposit of 25 % of the total price to be paid upon booking.
  • The remaining balance must be to be paid before 01-08-2024.
  • Accepted payments are Bank Transfer, Credit Cards and PayPal. 
  • Please note deposits and final payments are non-refundable.
  • We remain the right to cancel your participation if it conflicts with legal or ethical matters.
  • We are not able to offer refunds or discounts for arriving late, leaving early, family matters, illness or unexpected weather conditions.
    Please make sure you have a valid travel insurance to protect you from unfortunate circumstances. 
  • The price is listed in EURO, we ask that all transfers are made in EURO.
  • In case the retreat is cancelled from our side, all participants will receive a full refund.
  • Cancellations must be sent in writing to 
  • Accommodation is shared between 2 people per room. All rooms have a private bathroom and can offer either double bed or twin beds.
    Please indicate so in case you are traveling with a friend or partner/spouse so we can arrange your accommodation together. 
  • A few single rooms are available for an additional cost. Contact us for information about upgraded accommodation.
  • A professional chef will handle all meals. Please notify us in advance in case you have allergies or dietary restrictions.
  • Aurora Borealis is a natural phenomenon. Even though we are in the best possible conditions to see it, there is always the small chance that it will not appear. We cannot offer any refunds even in the case of not seeing the Aurora Borealis. ​​​