Vocal Workshop with Anna Bariyani



with Anna Bariyani from Curawaka

9th June 2024

4pm - 9pm CEST

Curawaka singer Anna Bariyani works with the voice in as a portal for connection, healing and prayer. Weaving is the word she uses to refer to this unique way of singing, where she aligns her song with sacred design of life, allowing the voice to weave its own story into the great tapestry of life.

In her second online workshop in English, Anna will dive deeper into the principle of reciprocity as the very condition of belonging to life. 

Our existence is completely embedded in this universal law of giving and receiving, and it is our sacred duty to maintain it. In the new “Singing the Land” workshop, Anna will dive into this conception and show how she uses the voice to honour this sacred balance by making her song an offering.

Get acquainted with the technique of weaving as a way of using the voice as well as a means of connecting with the spiritual realm and as a tool for conscious creation. Explore the art of weaving song with spirit. Get inspired to infuse your vocal expressions with intention, inflection, and resonance that elevate your connection to the divine, allowing you to co-create with the universe.

"We have taken so much from the Earth. In order to maintain the natural order of balance and reciprocity, humans must learn better how to give, how to make payments and offerings to the Earth. One of many ways to do this, is to offer our songs and give a voice to the voiceless."

                                                                    Anna Bariyani


"Singing the Land"  / Sunday 09.06.2024 / 4pm-9pm CEST

  • Online via ZOOM
  • Open for everybody, no previous experience necessary.
  • Workshop is taught in English.
  • 45 min break included.
  • Includes unlimited access to a REPLAY of the video file for 14-day period.
  • A permanent download of the workshop video will be available for an extra fee. 


Sliding price scale to reflect your personal economical situation:

  • Standard Entry: € 66
  • Supporter Entry: € 99 - For those that are able to give a little extra
  • Low-Income Entry: € 33 - For those not in a financial position to cover the full cost

Weaving refers to our voice as a thread in the large tapestry of life.

It is a key to open the portal of the voice and the channel of the soul, to connect one´s own spirit with the Great Spirit. When we reconnect our voice to source, we reconnect with our origin and our purpose. Using her distinct vocal techniques, mainly rooted in her native Scandinavian traditions, Anna shares her way of using the voice for healing, prayer and divination. Her unique methods allows for authentic expression, conscious creation, and spiritual connection.

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